Anton: The AI assistant for Slack, powered by ChatGPT

Say hello to an AI assistant that doesn’t just give you simple answers, but one that you can have a smart conversation with, powered by ChatGPT and readily available directly in your Slack workspace.

Have you been using ChatGPT in your day-to-day work to give you ideas and speed up some of your daily tasks? Then you probably know that although it can’t replace human involvement, it does assist you by having a vast knowledge base and providing answers and writing documents or articles in an instant. 

If you haven’t heard of the power of ChatGPT when it comes to generating quick answers, ideas and aiding you in doing your best work, then you have probably been living under a rock (or are currently still wasting too much time doing things ‘the old way’). 

Let’s get you up to speed - ChatGPT is an impressive AI which upon asking a question provides you with a natural-sounding answer, and then holds a follow-up conversation referring back to earlier information asking for re-phrasings, clarification, summaries, or additional details.

Now imagine what your team would transform into, if you have a ChatGPT-powered assistant living in your Slack workspace.

Say hi to Anton!

Nice to meet you - I am Anton, your ChatGPT-powered assistant.

Who is Anton?

Anton is a ChatGPT-powered Assistant that lives in Slack and helps make teams 10x more efficient. Ask questions to Anton or ask to complete tasks and he will respond in a few seconds, in the same manner your colleagues are sending you slack messages. He is also able to remember your previously asked question and adjust his response to your new follow-up, making him extra intelligent and creating a fuss-free experience.

Anton increases efficiency and team productivity by allowing team members to use ChatGPT directly into their Slack workspace, which makes him your new, all-knowing, multi-tasking intern that requires no training. 

With Anton you are harnessing the power of Ai, opening the doors to endless possibilities - from being able to ask anything like problem solving or coding, all the way down to general trends or creating content for you. Words are not coming for that important email? Anton will sort it out.

You no longer need to leave Slack to answer queries or generate ideas, which saves time and keeps your focus laser-sharp. And most importantly - your whole team will have a better way of collaborating that saves them time and keeps them away from possible distractions. 

Choose to add @anton to any group chats you are having and start playing around - you may all end up generating more ideas you have done in the past week within the hour! 

Who can use Anton?

From content creators that need ideas generated for a new blog, designers that need a brief so they can focus on using their brain power for creative work and execution, C-level students that need help with a project or engineers that need code generation to happen as they are in a Huddle with a co-worker - Anton doesn’t judge and he is here to help everyone. 

That being said, Anton is just an intern and as hardworking and talented as he is, we always recommend you add your own professional touch to what he has to offer. But it undeniably gives teams that speed, efficiency and head start to any project - big or small. And the best part is - it all happens on Slack, in your comfort zone.

No longer do you need to worry about that email about the team hitting their targets, that presentation outline, or whether or not you can come up with a better piece of code for your landing page. 

How does my team benefit from using Anton?

We already mentioned that ChatGPT has become widely famous for the opportunities it offers people working in various industries across the world to be quick and more efficient, making the most out of the wide knowledge AI can offer, and supporting teams in day-to-day tasks. 

Now that we made the ‘speed, efficiency and endless knowledge’ obvious, what else would your team benefit from? 

Focusing on one task at a time. Scientists have proven that multitasking is overrated, and that focusing on one single task at a time rather than jumping between different tasks (or internet browsers) can increase your levels of productivity, making the team more efficient and capable of producing a higher quality of work. 

Having ChatGPT directly in Slack allows for quicker collaboration and query-resolvement. It also means you don’t need to go through a bunch of articles, google searches or YouTube videos to learn something or wait for the motivation to strike to actually write that letter or start that essay. If you find yourself constantly short on time, this is for you. 

How to get started with Anton?

Anton can be easily added to your Slack workspace and from then on it’s smooth sailing. Follow this link to add Anton as your new ChatGPT-powered assistant. 

After that, you can either use it on channels or send direct messages. On channels, you can type the @ to tag Anton the same way you would tag a colleague and ask a question. Anyone who is a part of this channel will be able to view Anton’s answers. For direct messages, find Anton in the apps section, open the Messages tab on top and start messaging directly. Only you will be able to view these messages and therefore ask anything that comes to mind (no judgement). 

Well, we have done our part in introducing Anton, but why don’t you show him around now? 

Add Anton to your Slack workspace!


Your ChatGPT assistant in WhatsApp. Meet Ariana.


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