Why Remote Teams Need Collaborative Working More Than Ever

Since the pandemic, remote work is accepted as the new norm, with firms allowing for fully remote or hybrid job opportunities, and employees demanding or even leaving jobs that do not offer this. And with the transformation in the workforce, remote teams find themselves with both opportunities and challenges, especially when it comes to collaboration. Yes, digital literacy is definitely helping most workers, but we are social beings, and one of the most common challenges with remote teams is managing to maintain effective collaboration between team members in the remote workspace. In this article, we will explore why remote teams need collaborative working more than ever, the challenges of remote work, and strategies to foster effective collaboration, so you rest assured that your team is happy and working together regardless of their location (*happy dance*). 

The Importance of Collaborative Working

Starting with the elephant in the room - collaboration. Remote working environments are not the only ones that require this - every healthy and successful working environment should involve some form of collaboration, to ensure that the team is working efficiently - without it, team members may start feeling isolated, helpless and misunderstood, making them more likely to avoid certain tasks or show their full potential. 

With the shift to remote work, the importance of collaborative working has become even more crucial. Collaboration promotes open communication, problem-solving, and a sense of community. When remote workers collaborate effectively, they can share ideas and feedback, leading to better solutions and increased innovation.

Collaboration can also increase productivity, as it allows remote workers to delegate tasks and share the workload. Additionally, it can help to build a sense of community and shared ownership of the work and it allows for everyone to play at their strengths, solving problems out in a much more efficient way, saving time, effort and ultimately having a positive impact on your bottom line. The importance for employees' feelings of well-being and aid in tackling problems with more confidence and ease is not to be underestimated, as this will create a more positive working culture. 

This all may sound a bit vague. So what are some of the ways to ensure collaboration? 

Essentials, such as ensuring that every team member feels comfortable with one another (to a professional level at least), they all find it easy to reach out and perhaps there is a system that allows for individual and group tasks, to avoid part of the team slacking off, while other members work hard. There are few essential ways to manage a remote team and create a healthier environment in this article.

Challenges of Remote Work

Remote work presents unique challenges that make collaboration difficult. For instance, remote workers can feel isolated from their team, making it harder to collaborate effectively. Without the physical presence of colleagues, remote workers may also struggle to communicate effectively, leading to misunderstandings or delays. Lack of structure can also make it challenging for remote workers to collaborate, as there may not be clear guidelines for how to work together. Lastly, factors such as cultural differences, language barriers, and time zone differences can also impact communication and collaboration. This will all depend on what you do, of course. 

Despite the benefits of remote work, studies show that remote workers tend to feel more isolated and disconnected from their colleagues than their in-office counterparts. A survey by Buffer found that 20% of remote workers cited loneliness as their biggest struggle, while 17% cited communication and collaboration. Therefore, remote teams need to prioritise collaborative working to overcome the challenges of remote work. This is usually down to the management/head of business or a head of a certain department with good leadership skills. 

It’s simple - if workers are failing to communicate, they will fail to work together as a team, leading to gaps or misunderstandings as well as unnecessary workload or a lack of such. Feeling disconnected can also decrease productivity and the level of job satisfaction - just because people have chosen to work remotely does not mean they are anti-social. 

One solution to the challenges of remote work is to prioritise collaborative working through the use of technology and communication tools. For instance, video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet can help remote workers connect face-to-face and collaborate effectively. These tools can also facilitate real-time communication, which can help prevent misunderstandings and delays.

In addition, using project management software such as Asana, Trello, Basecamp or Notion can help remote teams stay organised and on-task, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals. This software can provide clear guidelines and deadlines for team members, making it easier to collaborate and work effectively.

Having clear communication protocols and guidelines for remote work is the most vital step to a collaborative team. This can include regular check-ins and meetings to ensure that everyone is on the same page and to address any concerns or issues. Using reminders, leaving notes and comments, or having a weekly Stand-Up meeting that you can always set an agenda for wil definitely help. Allowing all team members to address and communicate concerns is also crucial to them feeling important and valuable.

Additionally, providing training on effective communication and collaboration can help remote workers overcome cultural differences, language barriers, and time zone differences. 

Overall, remote teams need to prioritise collaborative working to overcome the challenges of remote work. By using technology and communication tools, establishing clear communication protocols and guidelines, and providing training on effective communication and collaboration, remote workers can work together more effectively and overcome the barriers to collaboration that come with remote work. Making work and casual meet-ups part of the weekly calendar for everyone must be a top priority - once it is in the calendar, there are no excuses!

How to Further Foster Collaboration in Remote Teams

To foster collaboration in remote teams, it's important to establish regular check-ins and clear communication channels. Virtual team-building activities that go beyond work tasks, such as online games or shared challenges, can also help build a sense of community and promote collaboration. If it’s possible, you can also gather the team in person or organise an annual retreat where you all get together and have a good time. When it comes to work and staying professional, shared goal-setting can help align remote team members towards a common objective. In fact, running competitions and offering incentives can increase the staff’s motivation and spark a conversation. It's also important to create a culture of trust and inclusivity, where remote workers feel comfortable sharing their ideas and feedback without fear of judgement or exclusion. 

Creating a culture of trust and inclusivity is essential for promoting collaboration and enabling remote workers to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and feedback. But winning anyone’s trust is not that easy, especially if you are working remote - to achieve this, businesses can encourage open communication, foster a sense of belonging, emphasise collaboration, recognize and celebrate contributions, and provide training and support. By creating a safe space where remote workers can share their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgement or exclusion, businesses can build trust and a sense of community within the team. 

Ensure that success and contributions are celebrated to indirectly encourage collaboration. Overall, remember that creating a culture of trust and inclusivity takes time and effort, but the benefits are worth it in terms of improved team morale, productivity, and performance. Once there are systems and processes in place, it gets easy with every new team member. 

Tools for Collaborative Working in Remote Teams

Technology tools can play a key role in facilitating collaboration in remote teams. Video conferencing software, such as Zoom or Google Meet, can enable face-to-face communication and collaboration, despite being in different locations. Project management software, such as Trello or Asana, can help remote workers organise their tasks and collaborate on projects. 

Instant messaging apps, such as Timworks, Slack or Microsoft Teams, can facilitate real-time communication and enable remote workers to stay connected. Timworks even allows collaboration between the team and communication with clients in one single app, making it easier and smoother for the CEO or management to have a God’s view on all communication. 

Moreover, cloud-based collaboration tools can enable remote teams to collaborate on shared documents, presentations, or spreadsheets. For instance, Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365 can allow remote teams to collaborate in real-time on a document, making it easy to review, edit, and provide feedback. Collaboration tools like these can streamline the workflow, eliminate version control issues, and make it easier for remote workers to collaborate effectively.

Implementing Collaborative Working in Remote Teams

Despite the benefits of collaborative working in remote teams, there may be challenges to implementing it effectively. For example, time zone differences can make it challenging for remote workers to collaborate in real-time. Cultural differences may also impact communication and collaboration. Finally, lack of resources, such as technology or support, can also hinder collaboration. Or you may have the technology and offer the support, but somehow it is not leading you where you want to be. Here are some steps you can take to ensure collaborative working takes place in your remote team. 


To overcome the challenges of remote work, online working teams need to first prioritise clear communication, flexibility, and adaptability. Finding tools and strategies that work for the specific needs of the team can also help overcome these obstacles - what may have worked with another team may not work for this one due to a number of differences on the company’s culture, the team member’s backgrounds and whether or not they are active or passive as people. For instance, if time zone differences are an issue, remote teams can set up regular check-ins that accommodate and fit with everyone's schedules.


Having a clear set of common goals and milestones along the way that the team can work on together will help - use online collaboration tools such as Notion, FigJam or Monday. We advise that you pick the right software that will serve the needs of your firm after some digging, perhaps introduce a trial software every now and then and gather feedback from the team so you can see what works and what doesn't.  That being said, if the appropriate software is in place but there is nobody to put the targets and the meetings in the calendar, or check-in with team members that have been quieter than usual, things will start falling apart. Don’t rely solely on technology to create a collaborative working environment - instead focus on having a human element and play at everyone’s strengths (which leads nicely to the next point). 


A good way of ensuring that the team is happy and working in a collaborative environment is to have a good leader or manager (you can also take a leadership course if you are that person, read a book on leadership or pick someone with the skills for it). 

Leaders must set clear expectations and goals, provide support and resources, and foster a culture of collaboration and inclusivity. Leaders can also encourage open communication and feedback, promoting a two-way dialogue between remote workers and management. In doing so, remote workers can feel valued, supported, and connected to their team and the organisation.

Positive impact on your company culture and team members

Collaboration can have several positive impacts on businesses with remote teams. Working effectively together can improve productivity, save time, and accomplish more. Collaboration also makes it possible to break down silos and bring your team together, keeping everyone in the loop and ensuring everyone has a voice. Here are some of the ways in which collaboration can benefit remote teams:

  1. Increased Productivity

    Collaboration can help remote workers work more efficiently by breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable parts and playing at each other’s strengths. Good online collaboration enhances the quality and speed of working because it allows for tasks to be achieved quickly and for distance to not get in the way of communication. Knowing and sharing the same goal can increase productivity and help remote teams meet their deadlines more effectively - leaders just need to ensure that this goal is broken down into smaller milestones to avoid overwhelm and that every team member is crystal clear on what is their role and their tasks. 

  2. Improved Communication

    Collaboration can improve communication and prevent misunderstandings between remote team members. By working together, team members can clarify their goals, share their progress, and address any issues or concerns in real-time - this also breaks down any silos, and ensures everyone is being heard. Lacking good communication methods or regular check-in or stand-up meetings can result in certain members feeling isolated, which in turn has a negative impact on their involvement, quality of work produced and even their creativity. Good communication software can also help prevent delays and ensure that everyone is on the same page. An good example of having your team and clients all in one place is Timworks - give Manager permission to your ‘team leaders’ then sit back and relax having a God’s view over your business’ internal and external communication. 

  3. Better Decision-Making

    Collaboration can lead to better decision-making by bringing together diverse perspectives and skill sets. By working together, remote team members can share their insights and experiences, contributing to a more informed and well-rounded decision-making process - there is a famous saying that two heads are greater than one, and it’s there for a reason. Allowing live collaboration and encouraging team members to have brainstorm sessions together is a great way to improve your level of collaborative working. 

  4. Enhanced Innovation

    Collaboration can promote creativity and innovation by encouraging remote team members to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. By working together, team members can challenge each other's assumptions and generate fresh perspectives that can lead to breakthroughs and innovative solutions - essentially impacting the business’ growth and bottom line, too. 

Positive impact on your bottom line

In case you aren’t convinced that collaborative working can have a significant impact on a business's bottom line by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, improving customer satisfaction, and driving growth, here are some of the ways in which collaborative working can impact a business's bottom line:

  1. Increased Efficiency

    Collaborative working can increase efficiency by streamlining workflows, reducing duplication of efforts, and eliminating bottlenecks in the work process. This can lead to faster turnaround times and reduced time to market, which can translate into increased revenue and profits.

  2. Reduced Costs

    Collaborative working can help businesses reduce costs by eliminating the need for physical office space, reducing travel expenses, and improving resource allocation. This can free up resources that can be invested in other areas of the business, such as product development, marketing, and customer support.

  3. Improved Customer Satisfaction

    Collaborative working can improve customer satisfaction by enabling businesses to provide faster, more responsive service. By working collaboratively, teams can address customer concerns more quickly and efficiently, which can lead to higher customer retention rates and increased revenue.

  4. Driving Growth

    Collaborative working can drive growth by enabling businesses to develop new products and services more quickly, enter new markets, and expand their customer base. By working collaboratively, teams can leverage their collective knowledge and expertise to identify new opportunities and drive innovation, which can lead to increased revenue and profits.


In conclusion, remote teams need collaborative working more than ever. Collaborative working can help remote teams overcome the challenges of remote work, promote open communication and problem-solving, and increase productivity. By fostering a culture of trust and inclusivity and utilising technology tools, remote teams can collaborate effectively despite being in different locations. Remote teams should prioritise clear communication, flexibility, and adaptability to overcome challenges and foster effective collaboration and a good leader is also crucial for creating that online collaborative working environment. 

Many businesses are turning to client support apps to improve team collaboration and streamline client communication. These apps provide a centralised platform for communication, which can help remote teams stay organised and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. Timworks is the only team collaboration and client support app that offers internal and external communication in one place, making it perfect for small to medium online businesses that are looking to create a collaborative working environment. 

Book a demo or start a free trial today!

Make collaborative working a breeze!


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